Cleansing Crystals


There are many ways to cleanse your crystals. Below, I have listed a few methods. I encourage you to use your intuition and experiment with different methods to find what works best for you!

1. Burying your crystal in the ground and letting the Earth absorb its negativity.

2. Smudging your crystal with white sage or palo santo.

3. Cleansing your crystal by moonlight. Place your crystal(s) on your windowsill and leave them in the moonlight overnight.

4. Placing your crystal on top of a crystal cluster, such as clear quartz or amethyst.

5. Placing your crystal in a singing bowl, the high vibration of the sound clears away lower vibrations from the crystal.

Remember, your intention is very important so make sure when you are ready to cleanse your crystal(s) that you are mindful of what you are doing and state exactly what you want to accomplish.

This is what I say,

Cleanse my crystal(s) from negative energies and harm and transform that negative energy into something positive and beneficial for all of us to enjoy. 

If you are interested in any of the above methods, you can research them online. There is a wealth of information that can further assist you!

This is the method I use and works best for me.

 6. Envisioning white light cleansing your crystal(s).

Below is a step by step guide on how I cleanse my crystal(s).

Meditation on how to cleanse crystals

1. Find a quiet area, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

2. Envision a beam of white light entering the top of your head which then cascades down and around your body and down towards the ground connecting with the Earth.

3. Now, with the crystal clasped in both hands, envision white light emanating from your palms to the crystal. Surround the crystal with white light, in and all around.

4. Sit in the energy of the white light and state your intention in your head or out loud that you want to cleanse your crystal. Say whatever comes naturally to you or what intuitively feels right.

This is what I usually say,

Cleanse my crystal(s) from negative energies and harm and transform that negative energy into something positive and beneficial for all of us to enjoy.

5. Envision that you are sending that negative energy down to the soles of your feet and into the ground where it will be absorbed and transformed by the earth.

6. When you are ready, thank the crystal for connecting with you and envision the white light fading from the crystal and from your palms.

7. Then, visualize the white light disconnecting from the ground and up and out through the top of your head.

8. Take deep breaths to ground yourself.

For more information on crystal cleansing, you can read my blog on the importance of cleansing and activating crystals.  

Cleansing and Activating Crystals