The Importance of Cleansing and Activating Your Crystals

8th Jan 2015


Cleansing Crystals

Energy is all around us. Some of us are more sensitive than others to energy. Surely, we have all felt some form of energy whether we are aware of it or not. For instance, we have all walked into a room where we instantly felt the atmosphere to be negative or positive. We have all avoided someone because they were too negative and drained our energy. As well as, wanting to be around someone who was positive in nature and lifted our spirit. We are constantly interacting and picking up energy everywhere we go, as you can see some are positive and some are negative energy. It is no wonder at times we feel tired and weighed down. 

Certainly, we have all felt the invigorating drops of water cascading down and around our body washing away the days stresses and worries, and we relish in the comfort of how fresh, relaxed and rejuvenated we feel after a nice shower or bath.

In the same way, crystals pick up and store energy and if not cleansed regularly this may cause a build-up of negative energy causing the crystal not to function to its fullest potential. If the crystal does not feel the same as it once did, this is a good indication that the crystal needs a nice cleansing.

Here are a few signs:

  • starting to get headaches
  • feel heavy and drained
  • feel negative

Cleansing our crystal on a regular basis will help maintain positive energy flow and de-clutter any unnecessary energy that has been accumulated into the crystal. In time and through experience, you will find out when and how your crystals should be cleansed.

There are two ways I cleanse my crystals:

(1). The main method I use to cleanse my crystals is through meditation. I like using this method because I am able to cleanse all the crystals at once and see if any crystals need extra care. Also, through meditation I am able to cleanse the crystals through a higher state of awareness bringing forth light, love, and truth. You can check out my meditation on how to cleanse your crystals here.

(2). The second method I use is placing my crystals on a crystal cluster, such as clear quartz or amethyst. The high vibration of clear quartz and amethyst clears away any lower vibrations from the stones you are cleansing.

I have not experimented with any other methods because these are the methods that feel right to me. However, there are many other methods that can be used and work just as well. I encourage you to use your intuition and find what method works best for you!

Activating Crystals

Many are probably wondering the importance of activating a crystal in truth it is not really a big deal. Many of us have different intentions for wearing crystals and can enjoy the benefits of a crystal without activating it. However, for those of us seeking a deeper understanding of ourselves and of crystals, activating the crystal is a crucial step in starting our spiritual journey. First, we must acknowledge what we would like to achieve. I feel this step is the most important because we are setting our intention and opening ourselves to receiving guidance from the universe. We are acknowledging and planting a seed within ourselves that we are ready to receive help and we are ready and willing to move forward. Once we have established what we would like to achieve, the second step is connecting with our crystal.

Below, I have outlined the steps on how I activate my crystals. The meditation is the same as cleansing my crystals but the only difference is my intention. I like using this method because I can cleanse and activate the crystal at the same time, and in meditation I am able to connect to the crystal on a deeper level. Please know that we do not need to use this method. I feel like once we “activate” ourselves by acknowledging and putting our intentions forth, we are ready to receive help from the universe where the crystal will pick up on that energy and it will naturally activate itself. A simple “please help me …” will do or say whatever intuitively feels right at the present moment, this will help to strengthen our connection with the crystal.

1. Find a quiet area, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

2. Envision a beam of white light entering the top of your head which then cascades down and around your body and down towards the ground connecting with the Earth.

3. Now, with the crystal clasped in both hands, envision white light emanating from your palms to the crystal.

4. Sit for a moment in this energy and continue to connect with the energy of the crystal. When you feel the time is right state your intention in your head or out loud (what you would like the crystal to help you with).

5. When you are ready, thank the crystal for connecting with you and envision the white light fading from the crystal and from your palms.

6. Then, visualize the white light disconnecting from the ground and up and out through the top of your head.

7. Take deep breaths to ground yourself.

Hope this was helpful,
